Thursday, January 22, 2009

Girl Talk

Sometimes mom does the right thing. REALLY! Yesterday afternoon I was herding her to the back door for a walk and SHE PUT ON HER COAT like she was going to take me.... Then she got distracted by the phone, dammit. After I got her refocused on the back door, it took a few minutes for her to catch on that I remembered she had already put her coat on and that she is taking me for a walk.... nudging some more, I finally got her out the back door.

She had on all kinds of crap! Scarf, Coat, Gloves and a HAT???!! The shoes are usually more than I can BEAR, especially those thin little "socks" she puts on. She don't know just how cute REAL socks are! Mine are permanent too! ;)

Back to that damn walk.

I was expecting one of her wimpy little walks where she just takes me around the high school and back up to the house. It is only about 3/4 a mile and my needs are much greater. She can't keep up sometimes and it is SO disappointing. But today she took me on a route that R-man usually takes me.... I started to question her motivation; was she taking me to the Vet? Were treats involved? I was tingling with anticipation!

She turned and went down by the Catholic Elementary School. I started to know where we were going..... WOODY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom was taking me over to my boyfriend, Woody, so that he could join us for a walk through the cemetery! It is a great walk for he and I to take together. We got to race the neighbor dogs together. At one point he had his nose so far up my behind I tripped over him when I was turning back to race the neighbor dogs again! What a man.

Our walk together was great. He likes to pee for hours. He has lost some weight recently and is looking even more studly than ever! If only we weren't both fixed, I would maybe let him have his way with me. NOT. That was the first thing he had to learn about me, I'm a tease, but he still loved me anyway.

By the end of our walk, Woody was foaming at the mouth. He is a Golden Retriever and doesn't have the athletic ability that we Border Collies have.... When we got to his house, he let me drink first from his water bowl. What a gentleman. Afterwards, the sound of his glomping down the rest of his water started to turn me off. As soon as I could get mom to the door I barked BYE to my Woody, shook my booty at him and trotted down the street.

It is always good to make a fabulous exit! He is panting by the door waiting for me to return another day!

Mom got me home and we played ball for a while until she finally decided to get me a treat. She is a bit slow. By the end of the night I was dreaming of herding COWS with my Woody man trailing after me.

Take your time out there DOGS! Stop to smell something (or someone) every so often!


  1. Did you take Woody for a walk yesterday? I WONDERED why he didn't move all night!! btw.... I laughed til I cried over this one:)

  2. woo hoo woody! get er done!
